Grow Your Business
Kedma’s not just some ivory tower researcher, she’s the real deal who has done it and now she’s show you how you can do it.

The following is a sampling of Kedma Ough’s media appearances and coverage:

- The Not Average Audio Experience, podcast hosted by Koehler Slagel and Mike Gililland: Featured guest, April 1st, 2019, Small Business Superhero Kedma Ough
- The Minding Your Business Podcast, podcast hosted by Ron Brooks: Featured guest, Episode 88, March 29th, 2019, Award Winning Small Business Champion
- The Invention Stories Podcast: Featured guest, June 12nd, 2018, Kedma Ough is the Innovation Director and Superhero
- WINGS of Inspired Business Podcast, podcast hosted by Melinda Wittstock: Featured guest, May 22nd, 2018, A Fifth Generation Multipreneur: Kedma Ough on Access to Investment and Funding for Women Business Owners
- PDX Money, podcast with Jesse Layton: Featured guest, April 16th, 2018, The Small Business Super Hero
- The Startup Sessions, podcast hosted by Michael Knause: Featured guest, Episode 165, July 7th 2017, “How to Become Your Own Superhero” Becoming a Superhero
- The Out Entrepreneur, host Rhodes Perry: Episode 029, Seek Out the Seed of Triumph in Every Adversity, Kedma Ough, July 11th 2017 Triumph in Adversity
- Biz503, Portland Radio Project (small business podcast): frequent co-contributor, ongoing
- The Ben Edtl Show, Freedom 970 (national radio): Featured guest, 04/13/2017. [Kedma Ough YouTube Channel: KO]
- Business Insanity Talk Radio (national), host Barry Moltz: Episode #417, “Preview of National Entrepreneurship Week,” featuring Kedma Ough. February 21, 2017 [Kedma Ough YouTube Channel: BIZ]
- Gresham podcast, Portland Tribune: Featured guest, Episode 1, January 18th 2015 [Kedma Ough YouTube Channel: Gresham]
- Wells Fargo presentation, “Funding Resources for Minority and Women Owned Businesses,” December 2014
- The Startup Sessions, podcast hosted by Michael Knause: Featured Guest, Episode 29, May 24th 2014, “Driven to Make a Difference” [Kedma Ough YouTube: Drive]
See Kedma in Action

Kedma is a highly organized and hard working

She is an expert at feasibility analysis..

Kedma is very responsive, thorough, has
incredible integrity, and she just gets it.

Working with her is also super fun!

Kedma brings a powerful, granular, and
insightful superhero perspective.

TO THIS WOMAN! She is an expert in her field,
and she has the heart of a servant.