Grow Your Business

Kedma’s not just some ivory tower researcher, she’s the real deal who has done it and now she’s show you how you can do it.

Kedma Ough, MBA Speaker and Author

More Money for You

My aim in life

My goal is to help remove the barriers to finance. Finance doesn’t have to get in the way of your dreams.

I get it.

I was there.

The first business idea I brought to a bank was rejected before I could finish the rest of my pitch.

I didn’t fit their bill at the time.

Credit wasn’t strong enough. Collateral was not enough. Time in Business was not enough.

Now I am on the other side of that experience.

My credit score went from 420 to 820

I purchased my commercial office for my business

My mission in life is simple: To position every client with the ability to get the funds they need so they can lead the lifestyle they want.

Discovering My Why

How did you became successful?

My road to success was paved with a lot of detours. Success is  a constant road we travel and the road signs are often confusing. I would love to say that success was easy. However, the truth is it was long, difficult and often nearly impossible.

I have learned a few lifelong lessons that have layered the world I see today.

  1. Don’t take advice from anyone that doesn’t have the life you are trying to achieve.

Over the last two decades, I have received countless hours of advice that I look back on and reflect “that was rubbish”. The truth is a lot of people will give you poor advice so you need to look at their actions and the life they are reflecting back.

  1. The people that really care about you will be there during your lowest times. It is so easy to get others to support you when you are riding the wave and high on life. However, it is during the lowest times of your life that the real people matter. When I had filed bankruptcy or had an employee embezzle from my business, those times I paid attention to others that showed up and had my back.
  2. There is always a way. We just have to find it. 8 out of 10 clients that connect with me have been rejected at least once with a finance company. Yet. We always found a way. Target Funding is not ONLY about securing funding. It about securing the RIGHT type of funding in the RIGHT amount of time.

Today I will ask if you would consider me as your funding navigator. I would love to walk next to you and help you live the life you have always dreamt, connect with others that truly care, and find a way to get the funds you deserve.

Your journey to Target funding

The journey towards Target Funding began at one of the lowest moments of my life. I was in a very difficult relationship and I need to leave. As part of dissolving the connection, I was faced with the reality of filing bankruptcy. It was humiliating, demeaning and defeating. I remember the moment as if was yesterday.

Five minutes after filing bankruptcy I was sitting on a curb right outside the courthouse sobbing my eyes out. I was talking to God and asking “Why now? Why me? Why again? What will I do know? How do I start all over?’.

I picked up my purse and drive back to my small apartment. Two weeks later I received a credit card from Capital One. I was perplexed at the idea that any company would offer any amount of credit after filing bankruptcy. It was in the amount of $ 200. At that moment I had an ‘AHA’ moment. I remember as a young girl playing Monopoly and if you were able to go PASS GO the bank provides you with $ 200.

It was that moment I said “What if I go on a journey to uncover every fund, every grant, every resource for others that are in my dire situation”  For the next 15 years I follow that obsession and reverse engineered how to find the funds.

My credit score went from  a 420 to an 820 and I helped more than 10,000 business entrepreneurs. In 2019, McGraw-Hill published Target Funding and it became a best-selling book in the funding space. Today I work tirelessly to open doors to hard working entrepreneurs that desperately need financing. From SBA lending, to lines of credit, to business grants, to subsidized resources, the goal is to level the funding playing field so everyone has a fair chance to win the game.

Weird facts about Kedma

Just for Fun

She always brews to cups of tea. One tea for herself and one tea for someone in the world that needs a cup of team

Her favorite animals are skunks, spiders, and sloths

Her nicknames are Turtle and Tink. Turtle for her introverted side and Tink for her ability to bring magic to a space

She holds 3 passports and have lived in multiple countries

She is a fifth-generation entrepreneur and great-great grandfather peddled trickets throughout Ireland

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