Grow Your Business
Kedma’s not just some ivory tower researcher, she’s the real deal who has done it and now she’s show you how you can do it.
Target Funding is an instant value added tool for any small business looking to grow. Kedma does an excellent job of providing context into her own experiences all the while teaching you step by step on how to execute. I highly recommend this book for anyone in business

Kedma's not just some ivory tower research, she's the real deal who has done it and now she's show you how you can do it

As veteran I love to help other veterans get the resources I wish I had when I started my entrepreneur journey. This book is one!

I am a serial entrepreneur with many years of experience and purchased a copy of Target Funding

This book easily shaved 6 months off searching for funding sources! Written by the Pro with a no-nonsense style. I especially found the section on Cluster-Based Funding enlightening.

She has the experience, confidence, intelligence and grit..