Isn’t It Time You Stop Struggling To Find Money?

“There is always a way in and a way out if you have the right keys”


National Award-Winning Small Business Champion

I am a nationally recognized business funding expert and best-selling author that has helped more than 10,000 businesses target funds for their business. As a fifth generation entrepreneur, whose great-great grandfather peddled various products across Ireland, I know the struggle to scale a business or bring an invention to market. I also know that there is always an easier path towards success. I hope to be your funding navigator.

Yours truly,

Kedma Ough

See Kedma in Action

Kedma Ough is a nationally recognized business development funding expert, innovation and entrepreneurship thought leader, SBA award-winning Champion of Small Business, and business advisor for independent inventors. Throughout her career, Ough’s driving mission has been to empower people—particularly minorities, veterans, women, people with disabilities, and innovators—to become business owners and to maximize the potential of their businesses.

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Target Funding Master Class

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